English Speaking – Spanish lawyers.
About Us
English Speaking
Spanish lawyers.
Say Hey! to Spanish Law. HeyLaw is a Private Client network law Firm where lawyers think in your language, will deal with your case in plain English and comply with UK standars.
Do you need a Spanish Lawyer or Abogado (Solicitor) in the UK to sell or buy property in Spain? HeyLaw is located in Glasgow since 2013, offering Spanish Law services regarding Property, Conveyancing, Mortgages, Wills, Estates, NIE, POA, Real Estate Law and Court cases. We have a network with other Solicitors and we travel in regular basis to all Scotland, Newcastle, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Birminghan and London.
FOCUS and SIMPLICITY means QUALITY and we have been working in both countries since 1997 where the first Firm was founded in Costa del Sol.
Hey Law, succeeds by trustworthy work and BESPOKE SOLUTIONS but we draw the line so you will get a strict NO when it comes to issues like conflict of interests, avoid anti-money laundering regulations, confidentiality, etc… We work by the book and with a strict Code of Conduct. We do not work for Real Estates as some big Firms do, so we can be fully independents.

Why Choose Heylaw?
30 years Law experience for your peace of mind even with sophisticated works. Quality. Self-directed work model according to the new ventures referred as New Law.
Focus on private client and wealth services we cover all areas of Spanish Law so we will find the best lawyer according to your needs and your Uk/Spain location.
Plain english
We are from Spain but we will be able to advice you as a British Solicitor will do and even faster. Flexible and simplicity are our main goal and we are covered insurance.
Our Areas of Practice
Talent integrated. Thoughful.
Hey Law´s talented team is ready for action.
Our firm has a client-focused philosophy and creates the right outcomes for our clients, supported by the level of technical expertise and knowledge of our lawyers, which is trully exceptional.
- Buying and Selling Spanish properties. Compraventas.
- Notary Deeds and private contracts. Escrituras.
- Mortgages, finance and insurances. Hipotecas.
- Bank repossession negotiation. Subastas, embargos.
- Real Estate drafts review avoiding conflict of interests.
- Tenancy and landlord agreements. Arrendamientos.
- Construction and Urban planning law.
- Due diligence review and new Works Declarations.
- Rural, land and not registered properties. Inmatriculacion.
- Commercial properties an tourism law.
Wills, Probate, Estates
- Drafting Spanish Wills. EU & Uk Wills applicable laws after Brexit.
- Probate and Succession, Certificate of Law, Confirmation.
- Intestacy, executors, assets distribution and heirs conflicts.
- Inheritance Tax and Wealth Management.
- Estates plan and Trusts.
- Eldarly Law.
- Power of Attorney.
- Arbitration for heirs conflicts.
Court & legal advice
- Property and construction disputes.
- Money claims and debts recovery.
- Eviction, tenancy agreements, arrears.
- Owners Communities conflicts.
- Professional negligence: architects, developers, surveyors, advisers, lawyers.
- Administrative, Taxes and Urban law.
- Criminal Law.
- Mediation.
- Arbitration business law.
- Sportsmen drafts contracts and negotiation.
- Agents and Clubs legarl advice.
- Arbitration claims FIFA, RFEF and FA, SFA.
- Disciplinary issues.
- Litigation, liability & personal injury.
- Image Rights & Intelectual Property matters.
- Social Media defamation, libels, threats…….
Professional. Truly.
Client recommendation remains our most important source of work.
At HeyLaw we pride ourselves on allowing clients a one to one relationship with their lawyer and in maintaining the highest standards of legal representation.